Virtofy@Startup X Mittelstand Recap
Posted: March 15, 2024

We had a great time at the Startup X Mittelstand event at the Cologne International School of Design! We received a lot of enthusiastic feedback for our talk on “Digitally supported onboarding” and the presentation of the latest version of Virtofy, thank you very much! The other keynote speeches and pitches on the topics of artificial intelligence and digitalisation also led to many exciting conversations during the subsequent networking between established companies and start-ups.
We would like to thank the organisers from the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland and the Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum WertNetzWerke for the successful organisation and all participants for the stimulating discussions. It was an enriching experience to take part in this event.
If you have any questions about this topic or how Virtofy can help you, ask us