
Privacy statement

Privacy statement for our social media appearances

Privacy statement for the Virtofy apps (Virtofy Studio, Virtofy Viewer)

Last changed: May 20, 2024

1. General Information

This section outlines how eachTick GmbH (“us” / “we”):

eachTick GmbH
Mohrenstr. 20
50670 Köln

Phone: +49 221 78 94 41 75

the developer and operator of the Virtofy App (“App”), collects, uses, and discloses personal information. Data is stored on our online servers (“Cloud”). The following information explains our methods for collecting, storing, and managing personal information in relation to the use of the App. By using the App, you accept the practices described in this policy.

2. Use of Personal Information

We do not collect or record any sensitive personal data.

2.1 Collection and Storage

For user accounts, an email address, password, and nickname is needed. This data is stored and used in the Cloud for user identification and core functionality processing purposes.

2.2 Email Address, Password, Login Token

To create an account for the App, users must enter a valid email address (“Account Name”) and password in the App. The password is stored as an encrypted value in the Cloud. The email address will be displayed in App Meetings to identify each user and can be seen by other users. When logging in, the Cloud generates a login token that can be used instead of a password (“Remember Me” function). If the user does not log in for 30 days, the login token will expire, and the user must log in with the password again. The Cloud logs login data, including time and success status, for internal and security purposes.

2.3 Nickname

The nickname is used in the App during meetings or on shared tours to help users identify one another.

2.4 Avatar Image

The Avatar image is generated based on the nickname (initials) or the user can use a custom image. This image is stored on the server and the client. It will be shared with other users when they are invited to a meeting or given read permissions (sharing) by the tour owner. The avatar image is visible in meetings or shared tours.

2.5 Avatar 3D Model

Users can select one of the predefined 3D model avatars to represent them in meetings. The UID of this 3D model avatar is saved per user and exchanged during meetings so that others can load the corresponding 3D model avatar. Users can also upload a custom 3D model as an avatar. In this case, the custom 3D model avatar file will be exchanged via a file token, allowing other users to download it and display it from their local device. The 3D model avatar is visible in meetings.

2.6 Plans

Each user must have an assigned plan, which enables different features. Plan assignments are managed by the Cloud and us, either automatically or manually. The Cloud maintains a history of all assigned and removed plans for internal processing to provide base functionality to the App.

2.7 Account Deletion

Users can delete their account and all corresponding data. The App provides a delete account option on the login screen (when not logged in) and on the manage tour screen (when logged in). The deletion process requires a valid username and password. Alternatively, users can email us at . Please note that additional verification will be required to ensure the security and privacy of your personal information. The deletion process is final and cannot be undone, resulting in a permanent lose of the account and the conneted data with it.

3. Meeting Data

We do not collect or record any sensitive personal data.

3.1 Tour Data

When joining a public meeting, other users can download your tour data. The host must explicitly grant permission for public users to download the tour data, ensuring that all participants have access to the same tour information during the meeting.

3.2 Annotation Data

Annotation data created during a meeting will be shared with all participants. This allows everyone to see the same annotations on their devices.

3.3 User Exchange Data

During a meeting, data such as user position and rotation, username, nickname, avatar image, avatar 3D model, device type name, and device operation name will be exchanged to enable core meeting functionalities. This data is only used during the meeting. It is essential for accurately representing users in the meeting.

3.4 Voice Communication

When using the Meeting feature with enabled voice communication, your voice data is securely transmitted to facilitate communication with other participants. The App will request explicit permission to use the device’s microphone if necessary. Voice data is not stored on the device or in the Cloud.

4. Motion Data

Certain device motion data is used for the local input and will be transmitted to other users in the same meeting for real-time interaction. The provided data is not recorded.

4.1 Mouse and Touch Input Data

To provide a visual representation of the user as an avatar, we will use the mouse input coordinates and / or touch input coordinates, to move the user Avatar around.

4.2 VR Motion and State Data

To provide a visual representation of the user as an avatar, motion and user presence data (presence in the VR-Headset) is required. We use device-provided data locally to display controllers and position the VR headset within the scene.

5. Revocation / Deletion / Requesting

Please note, that wen contacting us, an additional verification is required to ensure the security and privacy of your personal information.

You have the right to revoke your consent to data processing at any time. Please send us an email to , for further processing. The revokation process is final and cannot be undone, resulting in a permanent lose of your account and data.

5.2 Removal and Deletion of Personal Data

To remove or delete your user account data, please send us email: . The deletion process is final and cannot be undone, resulting in a permanent lose of your account and data.

5.3 Request of Existing Personal Data

To request the personal information we have collected, please send us an email: . We will respond to your request and provide you with the relevant personal data.

6. Device Information

We automatically collect certain information about the device you use to access our services. The data is needed to provide cloud functionaility for user login and further processing in the cloud. The following data is logged in our system:

  • LoginToken: Autogenerated value from the Cloud
  • DeviceType : PC, Android Device, Quest etc.
  • AppType : Studio or Viewer
  • AppVersion : App Version number

6.1 Log File

The following device information is written into the App’s log file: App version, App Type, System information (excluding device ID), Platform Name, Operating System Name, Processor Count, Processor Type, System Memory, on compatible systems: VR Driver installation, Device Model, Device Name, Device Type, Device Vendor, Device Version, Screen resolution and DPI, supported features of the graphics card, and whether Audio output is supported. If a user encounters a problem in the App, they can send us feedback including the log file containing all the above information and crash data or other logging information. The provided information will help us fix bugs, improve the App, and enhance our service.

6.2 Laws and Regulations

Please be aware that we collect device information exclusively for internal purposes to ensure our services function properly and to improve the user experience. We handle this information with the highest level of confidentiality and comply with all relevant data protection laws and regulations.

6.3 Device Identifiers

We use virtual device identifiers that cannot be traced back to the hardware. This increases security and privacy for the user.

7. Connections

7.1 Mandatory Connections

To ensure a seamless user experience with the App, please make sure that your network and firewall settings allow access to these servers and ports: (HTTPS:443, Germany)

Main Cloud for storing and providing tour and user data.

7.2 Optional Connections

The following servers are needed for the meeting feature in the App and are optional: (WSS:443, Europe)

Main server to initialize meeting rooms and direct to the corresponding Master Server.

Master Server (WSS:443, Europe)

This server maintains all major information about possible meeting rooms, user authentication, and establishes connections to the correct Meeting Server.

Meeting Server (WSS:443, Europe)

This server is used for the actual meeting rooms, allowing users to interact with each other.